Professional basketball players are among the longest in the world compared to other sports players. Being tall means the shots don’t have to fly so far to the basket, and a tall player has a slightly better advantage than a short one.
If you’ve ever played basketball before, one question comes to your mind; “Does basketball make you taller?” It is important to know that your height is a significant advantage on the court. No matter what competitive game you watch, you’ll notice that the players are taller than the average.
The popularity of basketball has led to more questions about why are basketball players tall. Let us explore the article to understand; “Does basketball make you taller?”
Does Playing Basketball Make You Taller?
There is no hard evidence that, “Does basketball make you taller?” Many basketball players become active in this sport during growth, which speeds up their height. However, the height of a basketball player largely depends on heredity or genetics and not on the act of playing sports.
The appeal of playing basketball to increase players’ height has attracted many people. The idea is based on observations that NBA players famous for their stature are practicing basketball enthusiastically. However, the truth behind this supposition is not only in the time spent in the court but rather in the strong interaction between heredity and eating habits.

How Do You Grow Taller While Playing Basketball?
Scientists believe there is a correlation between jumping and height. A message is sent to the brain if you jump all the time when playing basketball. The brain increases the likelihood of height gain. These messages help stimulate brain growth hormone, which increases height.
Jumping is not the only thing that can increase your height while playing a game. Sure, wearing the right shoes will also help you jump higher. Playing basketball stimulates the release of human growth hormone (HGH). High levels of HGH in the body may improve height.
Why are most Basketball Players Tall?
Historically, many NBA star players are below 180cm, so there is no need to be tall to play basketball as a recreation or professional. However, being tall to play basketball has a clear advantage. Height is beneficial basketball is a sport in which the hoop, the goal, rises above the players, so jumping, shooting, and moving vertically is necessary to score the goal.
Most basketball players are tall, depending on genetic factors. If both the father and mother are tall, they are more likely to become tall, and vice versa. Heredity also plays a large part in his immense height.
Shack’s father was six feet one inch tall, and his mother was six feet two inches tall. Shack grew to over seven feet, so he significantly overtook his parents.

Possible ways to grow taller in basketball
The person’s height depends on several factors, including genetics, exercise, proper diet and nutrition, better quality of sleep, and growth supplements.
Genetics plays a vital role in basketball and players being taller than the average person. Their parents and grandparents must have been tall, too. Many basketball players come from a tall family.
Heredity plays a vital role in determining a person’s height. The genes about the height inherited from the parents contribute to the potential height of the person. However, basketball cannot change the genetic constitution of players. It gives them some advantage in playing games freely. Basketball players with large body sizes can perform well on the courts.
Exercise is essential for players to reach their full height potential. Basketball players need activities to improve flexibility and balance. Playing a lot of basketball and jumping can promote health and relax muscles. Basketball helps to strengthen the bones.
Exercise positively affects bone density and skeletal development, height, and health. It increases players’ bone mass and strength, preventing osteoporosis and fractures. It can improve posture and flexibility, make a player look taller, and increase basketball self-confidence.
3-Proper diet and nutrition
Does basketball make you taller? Diet and nutrition affect height gain. Professional basketball players need to take lots of protein to make strong muscles. People also need foods high in calcium and vitamin D, which can absorb more calcium from their diet. Eating these foods can help basketball players grow in height and strength.
Playing basketball is a great stimulant to a person’s appetite. Since running and jumping consume large amounts of calories, basketball players must balance the necessary nutrients.
Proper eating requires discipline, but many professional basketball players argue that eating well improves their performance on the court. Kids, teenagers, and high school basketball players must be careful not to consume too much junk food. Young athletes need a lot of calcium and vitamin D for their bones to grow neatly.
4-Better quality of sleep
Many NBA players know well the importance of getting enough sleep every night. Sleep is a time when the body recovers and grows. Sleeping can give players a better performance on the basketball court.
During sleep, HGH (human growth hormone), which is responsible for the growth of the body, is produced. If HGH is not secreted, the player will not increase his height, which can cause health complications.
5-Growth supplements
NBA players also take enough growth supplements. These supplements help them fully demonstrate their height potential. Without these supplements, many basketball players would not have been as tall as they are today.
Some physical conditions do not secrete enough HGH for growth and development. Taking supplements may help increase height, but a healthcare practitioner should supervise it.
When Do You Stop Growing?
Once puberty begins, the next two years are usually the fastest-growing years. Puberty lasts 2 to 5 years in teens. Boys typically stop growing at the age of 16 and most often fully develop by the age of 18. But if the growth plate is not closed, it is evidence that it is still growing.
The growth plate is a layer of cartilage at the ends of the long bones of children and teenagers, which fuses immediately after puberty. When this happens, the bones become unable to grow and become taller.
What is the best age to play basketball?
When children are small, basketball should generally be started at about age 5 to 6. At this age, they learn the basics of the game and become passionate about it. Typically, the ball can be bounced, thrown, or caught. When he grew from 7 to 9 years old, he began to learn how to dribble and the rules. You will also join the team and play with peers in the same group.
At age 10, they can start a strength training program incorporating flexibility exercises such as pushing, pulling, squatting, and rushing. These maneuvers help maintain concentration and motivation and improve physical strength, motor ability, and coordination.

Benefits of being Taller in basketball
In basketball, being tall gives you an advantage. If you are taller than your opponent, you can block the opponent’s shots, take longer steps, and take more rebounds.
Accuracy in shooting
Does basketball make you taller? The height of the player can improve accuracy in shooting. They are considering the height of the basketball hoop; being tall means that the player is equal to the height of the hoop. This is especially important when playing in an offensive position.
The higher the player’s height, the more accurate the shot will be. It is even better that tall players have the advantage of being easy to score dunks.
Blocking shots
Blocking shots is one of the most important things players can do in defense. If the player is tall enough, he can stand in front of the person with the ball, and the opponent will not be able to shoot in anticipation of him. This annoys player opponents and helps the team win the match.
On the physical side, tall players have long arms, broad shoulders, and overall good physical stature. When defending the opponent’s shots, they can effectively block the shots by stretching out their arms and optimizing how to use their body. This makes it easy to reverse, and it can affect the victory or defeat of the team.
Getting Rebounds
Rebound is also an area where tall players have an advantage. The player’s wingspan is also the deciding factor in the rebound. In short, the larger the wing span, the easier it is to take a rebound. More interesting is that the wing span (wingspan) is often the same as the height, but sometimes more.
Longer Strides
Tall basketball players usually have longer strides. The longer the stride, the better the player. Since the player reaches the ball before the short player, he can cover a broader range by running. This creates a chance for the opposing team to score or pass before they react.
While it is undeniable that short players are agile, tall players have long arms and legs, which is also an advantage because they take longer steps. If you take the ball, you can get away more efficiently, and if you have a chance of tackling, you can approach your opponent at a faster pace. As a whole, more distance can be covered in a shorter time.
Conclusion: Does Basketball Make You Taller?
Height is essential in basketball, so many people want to know, does basketball make you taller? Playing basketball alone can’t help you grow, but there are various ways to help you grow and develop healthily. Unfortunately, after a certain age, you cannot do much to increase your height. But I’m not saying that being tall is the only factor that makes a good basketball player. Many professional basketball players are well below the average height of men.
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